The Pennsylvania DA announced aggravated indecent assault charges were filed against Cosby, who allegedly drugged and sexually assaulted a former Temple University employee at the comedian’s home in 2004. This incident IS the first time Cosby has been charged with a crime, but as many as 50 women have accused the comedian of sexual assault, yes, the number is 50.
On Comedy Central, host Larry Wilmore stated that even if Cosby isn't convicted, a trial is a good thing. "For too long, the women who have accused him of this crime were not being listened to, because they were being silenced by a powerful man and a complicit culture. And, now, finally, regardless of what happens next, they're being heard."
A powerful man, a complicit culture: sounds like Bill Clinton — past president and husband of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton --- yet, the "news" media never turns on him, the White House election is at stake.
Bill Cosby's accusers have been treated with respect, yet Clinton accusers have been treated as trailer trash -- Paula Jones, televised mistreated as white trailer trash. Kathleen Willey allegedly groped by Clinton became white trash begging for it. Juanita Broaddrick accused the president of rape, and the media just walked away, never seeking real answers.
On Nov. 22, Hillary Clinton tweeted this response to campus rape policies: "Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported." The same woman was complicit in handling the "bimbo" eruptions designed to destroy the reputation of any woman alleging sexual misconduct by then-President Bill Clinton.
On Jan. 6, Juanita Broaddrick responded on Twitter: "I was 35 when Ark. Attorney General Bill Clinton raped me and Hillary tried to silence me. I am now 73 .... it never goes away."
Broaddrick told her story on the alleged 1978 assault on a February 1999 edition of "Dateline NBC." In a C-SPAN interview last August, the NBC interviewer Lisa Myers said, "Nothing has come up since that story was reported that in any way undercuts what Juanita Broaddrick said."
"Her horrific story brought forth the imagery of Bill Clinton biting down on this woman's lip as he violently attacked her — Broaddrick in shock, her lip bloody and swollen, her underwear torn — and then Clinton putting on his shades and saying, "You better put some ice on that" as he left the room." The president never had to say more to the press than legalese: "My counsel has made a statement about the first issue and I have nothing to add to it."
Broaddrick told Sean Hannity that Clinton came up to her and shook her hand firmly after the assault, saying something like "I just want you to know how much Bill and I appreciate what you do for him."
Mad with power, Hillary was cutting deals to silence her husband's accusers. On the campaign trail in New Hampshire, Hillary was asked about her husband's accusers, she said "I would say that everybody should be believed at first until they are disbelieved based on evidence." Bimbo Eruptions........... Tough Karma.
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