Woodstock - Three days of Peace, Love & Music in 1969 that defined the world ... Dream On.
Today, the spoiled generation of Boomers who thought everything was possible - the world could live in peace, the world could live as one - has completely disintegrated, Everyone Can Drive An SUV. Everyone Can Pollute the Air. Everyone Can Live in a McMansion. Dream On.
As boomers age, the world loses the naive communal fantasies of enough resources on the planet for all. Our predatory nature as a species is killing us, destroying our planet, our habitat -- including our water, our land, our energy resources, even the food we consume, polluted bit by bit in our pesticide-laden Monsanto -Driven Economic Greedy Culture.
Where, oh where have all the Hippies Gone?
Generation X - born 1964-1979 are at war for resources against the Baby Boomers - born 1946-1963) and everyone is at war against the millennial Generation Y - born after 1980 - who have been buried in every debt crisis vacated by the selfish actions of the generations past - the student debt crisis and the Social Security system that the Boomers will deplete.
One of the most memorable and recognizable rendition of the Star Spangled Banner happened at Woodstock, and it was performed by the greatest guitarist who ever lived, Jimmy Hendrix. Amid the furor of the Anti-War movement, propelled by the ugly Vietnam War televised nightly, stood the draft that made everyone vulnerable....... it was the break point.
The point is, we need a debt repayment system that affects everyone equally - taxes must be paid by even the oldest generation, to cover the future security needs of our younger generation. The children of Boomers are the Second Largest Generation -- we cannot leave them in the dust.
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