Donald Trump accomplished two goals in South Carolina -- he won the conservative Southern state primary with ease, outpacing his Republican rivals, and he buried the Jeb Bush candidacy. Bush outspent all the other Republican candidates, yet was Bush-Wacked in South Carolina, after trotting out his older brother George. The youngest Bush brother had to leave the race with his head hung low. Trump has put the Bush family political legacy to rest.
The former Florida governor was unprepared for this year's anti-establishment Republican race -- Jeb Bush was the not ready for prime time candidate. Jeb did not understand this election's agenda; for Republicans, it is all about the outsider, Donald Trump. The political base is letting go of establishment Republicans that are epitomized by the Bush family, born With Silver Spoons in their Collective Mouths, thank you Ann Richards, former Governor of Texas.
The rules have changed this year. The son and brother of former presidents were on the wrong side of political history -- Jeb's Silver Spoon mild mannerisms could not contain the bloodlust of the heated political Republican base. The GOP base is hostile to any establishment candidate, especially Bush, who defined the immigration problem as a search for love, did not project any toughness or strength against the verbose Trump who plays to the camera expressing the angst that has crept into the American populace that has been left behind in the American political theatre.
It was Tough Karma for Jeb Bush. who had to step down from his delusional presidential run after being Bush-wacked and Beat-down in South Carolina.
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