Wednesday, August 13, 2014 at 09:35PM
Tough Karma


This is a tough one, when a person who has brought so much joy into our lives, an outstanding comedian, leaves us too soon by taking his own life -- exposing the sadness underneath. It is an illusion that was shattered, but it does not explain the anguish of this shattered man.

We feel guilty. It is almost too much to comprehend that the person who was endlessly energetic was battling his demons along life's path. The persona of Robin Williams was happy, the person in Robin Williams was very sad.

We believed Robin Williams was rich, apparently he was facing the financial strains of two failed marriages, two divorces creating lots of pressure. Williams, the man, supported two households of ex-spouses and children, but many people strain to provide for their loved ones.

In an interview with The Guardian in 2010 to discuss the movie, 'World's Greatest Dad,' Williams shared this truth, "I was shameful, did stuff that caused disgust – that's hard to recover from."

He is referring to his relapse with alcoholism and cocaine drug use. The journalist wrote, "It is almost impossible to get anything coherent out of him about the film, or any of the issues it raises. He is vague, tangential and at times more or less incomprehensible – until the conversation turns to more personal matters, at which point he becomes lucid and forthcoming.... Williams really wants to talk about.......... is his relapse into alcoholism, his rehab and his open-heart surgery."

This is a man who could not hide from his heart.

He performed for U.S. troops overseas in battle scarred areas of the world numerous times over the past ten years; and his work with Whoopi Goldberg and Billy Crystal in Comic Relief, created a national televised fund-raiser phenomenon that raised millions of dollars for the homeless.

Williams was blessed with talent, his creative work as the space alien Mork in the hit sitcom, Mork and Mindy in the 1970s made him a household name. The show dominated the ratings due to Williams' comedic performance, period. Williams also earned several Oscar nominations, for his amazing performance in 'Good Morning Vietnam' in 1988, then for his serious dramatic work in "Dead Poets' Society" in 1989 and in "The Fisher King" in 1991. His heartfelt work in "Good Will Hunting in 1998" finally won him an Oscar.

After his suicide, we found out from Williams wife, Susan Schneider that Williams had been struggling with the early stages of Parkinson’s disease. Wow.... Poor, Rich, Sad, Happy, Robin Williams.... We thank you and bid you adieu. NaNu. NaNu.

Article originally appeared on Tough Karma (https://toughkarma.com/).
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